The Eid of One Exiled
The poet Jama’a al-Maeen from the town of Al-Quriyah, located along the banks of the Euphrates river in Syria, shares his poetic verses, which evoke a sense of longing for, and sadness at, his perceived exile from the people and home he once loved and still loves.
عيد الغربة أم غربة العيد
إبن مدينة القورية بريف دير الزور..الشاعر جمعة المعاين في غربته يهدي صفحة تراث الفرات أبيات شعرية بصوته يعبر فيها عن حزنه في غربته وهو عن بعيد عن أهله وبلده..
كلمات من ذهب
الله عليك
الله كريم ونرجعلك يالفرات
Your tongue is correct!
Words of gold, God is upon you, God is generous and we will return to you.
Amp Faleti, from Syria – currently residing in Germany
How we miss the river of the Euphrates
Abu Laith al-Mushrif, from Syria – currently residing in Amman
هيجت القلب والروح والحساس.
رائع جدن
Words of gold and diamonds. With heart, soul and sensitivity.
Really Amazing.
Amjad Ali, from Syria – currently residing in Izmir, Turkey.